Getting Your 101 Card

What is a 101 Card?

A CAP Form 101, commonly referred to as a 101 Card is your ticket into emergency services. This card shows mission staff at a glance what you are qualified to do when you sign in for a mission and is required before you can begin any hands on training in emergency services.


In order to get a 101 Card, you will need the following:

  • Current membership card
  • Minimum grade:
    • Cadets: Airman (curry award)
    • Seniors: SM with Level I (see our new member page for details)
  • Successful completion of
    • General Emergency Services (GES) Test (CAPT 116)
    • One or more of the CAP Test 117 parts depending on your desired area of interest (see below for details)
    • FEMA IS-100 – Introduction to the Incident Command System
    • FEMA IS-700 – An Introduction to the National Incident Management System

Detailed Instructions

All tests are untimed, open book tests. It is suggested that you download the associated resources and keep them open during the test for reference.

Accessing CAP Tests

All CAP tests are in Absorb

  1. Open the Learning Management System
  2. Follow the Absorb link at the top
  3. Select the Catalog tab
  4. Scroll down or search to find the test
  5. Select the Enroll button

CAPT 116 covers general emergency services operational mission procedures.

CAPT 117 is divided into three parts depending on how you want to be involved.

  • Part 1 is required for all ground crew including ground team members, ground team leaders.
  • Part 2 is required for all aircrew including mission pilots, transport mission pilots, mission scanners, mission observers, airborne photographers, flight line marshallers, and flight line supervisors.
  • Part 3 is required for all mission base staff including mission radio operators, mission staff assistants, branch directors, section chiefs, and incident commanders.

FEMA Courses

The FEMA IS-100 online course and exam is an introduction to the Incident Command System under which CAP and other local, state, and federal emergency service agencies operate. Much of information covered in the FEMA IS-100 exam may be found in CAP Regulation 60-3, Chapter 8; however, the FEMA web site contains an excellent self paced study course and online exam.

The FEMA IS-700 online course and exam is an introduction to the National Incident Management System describing how CAP fits into the larger picture of emergency response organizations.

Once you have completed these courses, save the completion certificate and upload to eServices:

  1. Login to eServices.
  2. Select Operations from the left hand menu and then choose the Operations Qualifications application.
  3. Select SQTR Entry/Worksheet from the Emergency Services section on the left.
  4. Enter your CAPID or name to bring up your record.
  5. Follow the View/Upload Documents link the top just below your name
  6. Select the Emergency Services tab
  7. In the What would you like to upload? field, select IS100 – IS-100 (or IS700 – IS-700)
  8. Select the completion certificate to upload
  9. Use the Upload ES Files button to upload the file
  10. Select OPS-Emergency_Services from in the functional area drop down and IS100 – IS-100 (or IS700 – IS-700) from the Acheivement drop down.
  11. Fill in the completion date and certificate number, check the box at the top of the data entry form
  12. Submit using the button at the bottom of the page. The box should turn yellow indicating it has been submitted for approval. Your squadron ES officer should then be able to validate your course completion.

Printing Your 101 Card

After you have completed the tests, you are eligible to begin training for further qualifications. Before you can participate in any training exercises, however, you will need to print a CAPF 101 (otherwise known as the 101 Card) by following the directions below:

  1. Login to eServices.
  2. Select Operations from the left hand menu and then choose the Operations Qualifications application.
  3. Select 101 Card from the Emergency Services section on the left.
  4. Fill out your personal info and then click to obtain the card.
  5. If you don’t have a photo in the system, there should be a link to upload one on that page.
  6. Print it (black and white is fine), cut it out, and carry it with your CAP ID card.


Once you have your 101 Card, you can begin your specific qualification training. Detailed training requirements are available in eServices by selecting Operations from the left hand menu and then Operations Qualifications (commonly referred to as Ops Quals). Drop down the Ops Quals menu at the top and choose the What do I need? application in the Pilot section (even for qualifications that don’t require you to be a pilot).

Each of the tasks referenced has a corresponding section in the training documents available from the National Emergency Services Academy (NESA). The documents there are all shown in a small column on the right once you navigate to the appropriate school. There are three types of documents for each qualification:

  1. Task Guide – contains the individual tasks and qualification requirements
  2. Reference Text – contains expanded information for many of the tasks
  3. Slides – a general overview for presentation (not typically useful for self study)

You should review the task guide and reference text for the qualifications you want to pursue and then meet with a trainer to review and get signed off. You’ll need to be signed off on all the familiarization and preparatory training tasks before you can move into the hands on portion of the training, but you should review all the tasks.

You can find a trainer by going to Ops Quals > Reports, choosing the Skills Evaluator or Skills Evaluator by Qualification for your squadron or wing. You can also contact your squadron’s emergency services officer.

Typical Progressions


  1. Scanner – MS
  2. Airborne Photographer – AP (optional)
  3. Observer – MO
  4. Pilot – MP

Ground Crew

  1. Urban Direction Finding – UDF
  2. Ground Team Member Level 3 – GTM3
  3. Ground Team Member Level 2 – GTM2
  4. Ground Team Member Level 3 – GTM3
  5. Ground Team Leader – GTL