The General Billy Mitchell Award is the second Milestone in the cadet program and marks the completion of Phase II, the Leadership Phase. To earn the Billy Mitchell Award and the grade of Cadet Second Lieutenant, a cadet must complete the promotion eligibility requirements. C/2nd Lt Moss has passed two comprehensive exams covering leadership theory and aerospace topics, completed the Cadet Physical Fitness Test, gone to an Encampment and met specific leadership expectations.
Within Civil Air Patrol, Mitchell Award winners are eligible for scholarships, Cadet Officer School and Civic Leadership Academy. Any cadet who has earned this award, and who later enters CAP’s Senior Member program, is eligible for immediate promotion to CAP Second Lieutenant at age 21. Cadets who receive the Billy Mitchell Award are also eligible for advanced placement to the grade of E-3 (Airman First Class) should they choose to enter the US Air Force.
Only 15% of Civil Air Patrol cadets will obtain the General Billy Mitchell Award. Be sure to congratulate him on his achievement!